30 Jobs for Account Executive found
【タイ求人】【営業】電子基板専門商社 (台湾系企業・言語不問】ID:59806
50,000 THB ~ 70,000 THBKing Kaew- Suvarnabhumi , Latkrabang, Srinakarin - Pattanakarn - Pravet, Bangna, Samutprakarn工作内容
【仕事内容】海外営業部にてASEANへ向けて"電子基板"を販売して頂きますが、最初半年間は先輩社員に付いてもらいながら、基本的な知識の習得からお客様訪問まで一通り覚えて頂きます。- 主に海外の日系企業への電子基板の営業既製品を売るのではなく、お客様がデザインした図面を工場と3者間で折衷しながら、限られた予算内で図面がしっかり"カタチ"になるかを検証し、工程、納期、支払まで追う仕事です。- 将来的に新規開拓も担当して頂きますが、まずは既存のお客様担当から実務を覚えて頂きます。(現在新規開拓は、在籍する日本人マネージャー2名が行っていますが、後世の育成の為、徐々に新規もお任せ致します。)- 必要に応じて出張も発生します(3ヶ月に1回程度を想定しています)
- ビザ、労働許可証支給:有(取得にかかる費用は全額企業負担)
- 社会保険
- グループ保険 (AIA)
- 歯科治療費補助
- 年次健康診断
- 賞与 (1年目 1か月分、以後2-3か月分程度予定)
- 昇給 (年ー回 / 実績により)
- ドライバー付社用車あり(営業時)
- 制服貸与
‐ 住宅補助あり
一部企業負担有り(応相談)Sales staff (Automotive business)ID:57472
27,000 THB ~ 30,000 THBChonburi工作内容
- Research market demands & execute sales. Set promotion activities to achieve sales targets.- Maintain and builds long-term relation with new customers and exising customers.- Develop new projects, Create Sales channels to exceed sale plane.- Making forecast and business plan.- Take care of automotive customer. (OEM)- Be the first window to contact and communicate with customer.- Responsible for Sales documents such as quotation- Take care of customers in Automotive manufacturing.
- Bonus around 4 months
- Housing allowance
- Transportation support Sriracha and Laemchabang area
- Japanese language allowance
* N1 = 7000
* N2=5000
* N3=3000
- Group insurance
- Provident fundSales representative (Freight Forwarder)ID:63930
34,000 THB ~ 43,000 THBBTS (Silom Line), BTS (Sukhumvit Line)工作内容
- To identify the prospective customer and secure business- Hunting new customers / Take care of existing customers - Communicating with coordinators and operations team to enhance the performance - To introduce company service to the prospective clients- To prepare the sales visit report and manage the sales itinerary call base on that.- To maintain and expand the business from existing customers- Analyze customers& need and recommend appropriate services.- To build the solid relationship between the clients and the company- To provide the professional consultant service in the logistics area to the clients when needed- Negotiate and close sales.- To achieve the assigned sales target
- Social Security Fund
- Health Insurance
- Provident Fund 3%
- Annual Leaves
- Uniform
- Fuel Allowance
- Telephone AllowanceSales executive (Japanese N3 or above/BTS Bangchak)ID:71395
30,000 THB ~ 50,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line)工作内容
- Maintain and develop business relationships with existing Japanese and Thai customers- Build strong connections between clients and the company (90% existing clients, 10% new clients)- Visit clients using a company car (a driver is provided)- Act as an interpreter between the Japanese Manager and Thai staff- Potentially visit clients in overseas locations within Southeast Asia- Perform other related tasks as required
- Transportation Support (Actual Pay)
- Dental Treatment
- Health Insurance; Out Patient Department (OPD)
- Annual Health Checkup
- Annual Leave
- Vacation, Leaves, etc.
- OthersSales Business Development (Commercial Close Deal)ID:70875
30,000 THB ~ 50,000 THBRama II, Phra Pradaeng - Suksawat, BangBon, Rat Burana, Phasi Charoen, Nong Khaem, Bang Khae, Bang Khun Thian, Bang Kho Laem, Chom Thong, Thung Khru工作内容
- Focuses on identifying and developing new business opportunities in the solar energy sector. - Works independently to close deals with commercial clients.
- Bonus
- Vacation leave
- Social security
- Group insurance
- Married allowance,
- Subvention/Grant for the Funeral Ceremony
- Company Party
- Travel allowance
- Telephone allowance
- TransportationSales for Exclusive Food (Experienced/Siracha)ID:71358
60,000 THB ~ 70,000 THBChonburi工作内容
- Contact prospect clients (Restaurant, Retail, Hotel, Factory) and plan for sales visit to build the relationship with them. - Sales Area: Siracha- Maintain and develop the relationship with the existing clients - Explain company service and negotiate conditions with clients- Selecting and delivering the customer's favorite part of meat cardboard boxes from the freezer- Will learn about each customer's preferences in detail from senior employees- In the beginning, take training with Japanese Manager for a few month- Temporarily handle delivery tasks during the early phase of the role until the company grows
- Social Security
- Discount 40% coupon at Restaurant
- Bonus (Twice per year: June&Dec / Depends on Performance)
- Provident Fund
- Dilligence allowance
- Annual leave: 6 days (able to use after 1 year working)
- Business leave: 7 days (able to use after probation)Sales for Exclusive Food (Experienced/Phuket)ID:71356
60,000 THB ~ 70,000 THBPhuket工作内容
- Contact prospect clients (Restaurant, Retail, Hotel, Factory) and plan for sales visit to build the relationship with them. - Sales Area: Phuket - Maintain and develop the relationship with the existing clients - Explain company service and negotiate conditions with clients- Selecting and delivering the customer's favorite part of meat cardboard boxes from the freezer- Will learn about each customer's preferences in detail from senior employees- In the beginning, take training with Japanese Manager for a few month- Temporarily handle delivery tasks during the early phase of the role until the company grows
- Social Security
- Discount 40% coupon at Restaurant
- Bonus (Twice per year: June&Dec / Depends on Performance)
- Provident Fund
- Dilligence allowance
- Annual leave: 6 days (able to use after 1 year working)
- Business leave: 7 days (able to use after probation)Sales supervisor (Rangsit) / Flexible PackagingID:62027
30,000 THB ~ 42,000 THBPathumthani工作内容
- Sell to key retail accounts.- Visit and maintain the relationship with existing customers and new customers.- Present the product and support the requirements of the customer.- Organize, rotate, and stock shelves during each store visit.- Participate in sales meetings and on-site training.- Negotiate and use persuasion skills to overcome objections.- Deliver presentations and demonstrate products to customers.- Provide a daily recap of results and accomplishments to the management team.
- Transportation and car maintenance = 9,000 Per Month
- Meal allowance
- Group insurance
- Provident fund
- Annual Bonus 2 months
- Own car and driving licenseSales Staff (Chinese speaking)ID:71198
30,000 THB ~ 35,000 THBChonburi工作内容
- Handling all External and Internal Document such as purchase Order, Processing Order and Delivery Order etc.- Contact and Communicate with customer and other concern section in company.- Handling Tax Invoice and Bill Replacement.- Receiving customer's problems and claims.- Handling Internal document in Sales Section.- Other assignments.
- Uniform
- Annual Party
- Diligent Allowance
- Meal Allowance
- OT
- Health Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Provident Fund
- Transportation Support
- Bonus【タイ求人】【営業】人材コンサルティング会社(英語日常会話レベル可能・人柄重視の採用です)ID:60882
60,000 THB ~ 80,000 THBBTS (Silom Line), BTS (Sukhumvit Line)工作内容
<会社情報>人材開発と組織開発を駆使したベストソリューションを顧客に提供し、イノベーションを実現するコンサルティングファームです。現在、海外6都市にも展開しており、教育・研修業務、コンサルティング業務、ライセンシング業務、調査診断業務等を行っています。主なコンサルティング分野は下記です。持続的成長支援、組織開発、人材開発、人材マネジメント営業力強化<おすすめポイント>・様々な業界を学ぶことができ、営業を通して成長できる環境があります。・現地採用実績もあり、入社後戦力となり活躍中です。・オフィス出社は週2回の営業ミーティングのみです。その他の日はオフィス・お客様先・自宅でも勤務可能です。<職務内容>当社でコンサルタントを目指すキャリアパスは、営業職からスタートして頂きます。営業活動を通じて多様な業界・業種・組織のことを学び、数多くの課題解決の提案を行うことが、活躍するコンサルタントになるための下地づくりになります。顧客は日系企業がメインとなります。業界は様々です。●お客さまの開拓・ヒアリングお客さまの業種業界は問いません。テレアポを中心に営業が開拓活動を行い、お客様が感じている課題やありたい姿をヒアリングします。時には課題整理を手伝いながら、課題の本質を明確にします。営業活動はテレアポの他にSNSなども含めたマーケティングや既存チャネルへのWebinerによるインバウンドマーケティングも行っています。●企画作成ヒアリングした内容を踏まえて、チームのメンバーと相談したり報収集をしながら、お客さまが目指す姿に導くプランを作成します。組織開発における心理学をベースにしたコンテンツをお客さまごとにカスタマイズ、提案していきます。●提案時には営業の先輩やコンサルタントと共に、お客さま先で提案をします。商品が目に見えないものなので、ロジカルな説明力はもちろん、お客さまからの信頼を得られるよう、日ごろから適切な対応をすることが必要です。<採用背景>事業拡大のための増員募集です。<組織構成>従業員数: 10名セールス部門は5名います。正社員ではなく、業務委託をしているコンサルタントが外部に30人程います。
- ビザ、労働許可証支給:有(取得にかかる費用は企業負担)
- 家族用ビザ:自己負担
- 社会保険 :有
- 医療保険:有
‐ 家族用保険:無
- 通勤補助 :無
- 賞与:有(年4回個人業績に応じて支給)
‐ コミッション: 有