10 Jobs for Chachoengsao found
Operation & Maintenance Assistant Manager *Chacheongsao รหัส:71374
50,000 THB ~ 60,000 THBChachoengsaoรายละเอียด
- Coordinate among internal and external parties (more than 50 persons) whether international business or domestic business to give positively feedback to various customers within a certain time period.- Supervise electricians 6-7 persons with excellent interpersonal and communication skills even if older persons.- Supervise any documentation required by any landlords in order to do proper maintenance service with many customers based on various of customer’s conditions such as work permits, reports required by customers.- Associate in remote troubleshooting support as well as ability to make a drafted RCA reports to support line-Managers. - Conduct subordinate (2-3 Persons) to perform “Periodical maintenance” at any sites with suggestions and making reports properly.- Conducting subordinates to achieve any maintenance activities report such as failure reports, corrective reports until any maintenance procedures (if any).- Associate in any after sale service activities.- Other assignments from line-Managers.
- Telephone Allowance
- Gasoline:5.5Baht/Km(If usign own a car)
- Social Security Fund
- Health Insurance OPD: 30 Times/Year(1Time: 1,200)+IPD(30,000-40,000B)
- Provident fund
- Uniform provided
- BONUS (2 months or even more)Japanese Interpreterรหัส:71565
42,000 THB ~ 45,000 THBChachoengsaoรายละเอียด
- Translate Thai to Japanese and Japanese to Thai.- Translate in the meeting.- Translate document.- Coordinate between Thai and Japanese- Support Japanese management in case of booking hotel/flight, restaurant and other activities.- Support HR activities.
- Transportation fee
- Housing allowance
- Diligent allowance
- Bonus
- Uniform
Other allowanceAccounting and Finance Manager รหัส:61448
53,000 THB ~ 67,000 THBChachoengsaoรายละเอียด
- Implement proper accounting methods align with company policies and accounting principles. - Manage and oversee of the company day-to-day accounting activities to ensure all transactions correctly under the general accepted accounting standard. - Ensure accuracy of all data that is input into accounting systems. - Month-end, quarter-end and year-end closing. - Review and analyze accounting data and produce monthly/quarterly financial reports or statements. - Perform ad hoc analysis to provide management report for decision-making as requested. - Review reconciliation of day to day and month end activities for accurate reporting. - Follow up on outstanding debts so that the company is not exposed to unacceptable risk. - Manage all tax operations, ensure tax return, tax declarations and other required reports are submitted accurately and on time. - Coordinate of internal and external audit and is responsible for the implementation of recommendations received from auditors. - Support budgeting activities, track and monitor spending to ensure it remains within budget. - Perform related activities in accordance with accounting principles and standards to ensure that it complies with all relevant regulations, laws and reporting requirements. - Manage, monitor and control all resources and tasks within department to meet efficiency. - Manage and follow up subordinate jobs to meet standards and objectives. - Give recommendation or coordinate with both of internal and external parties to meet mutual understanding. - Transfer knowledge to his team to improve their performance. - Manage budget and expense to meet efficiency and optimum utilization. - Develop working processes as assigned to meet standard and efficiency. - Apply new working methods, technologies, ways and procedures to improve working efficiency. - Perform based on standards, rules and regulations. - Participate in company's policies and activities to support company to achieve established targets such as cost reduction. - Give recommendation or coordinate with both of internal and external parties to meet mutual understanding. - Participate in quality management activities such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 including other quality and safety activities as required. - Perform other related duties as assigned.
- Annual bonus 4-5.5 months
- Position allowance
- Provident fund
- Insurance
- Diligent allowance
- Transportation support [ (สายชลบุรี, บางบ่อ-บางพลี-โฮมโปรกิ่งแก้ว, บางนา-ศรีนครินทร์-เทพารักษ์) ]
- Language allowance
- OthersAccounting and Finance Deputy General Manager รหัส:70951
70,000 THB ~ 80,000 THBChachoengsaoรายละเอียด
1. Corporate - Establish policies and procedures to be in line with short - long term of business plan and align with company’s goal. - Delegate authority and responsibility to team with supervision, accountability and review. - Direct activities, identify and resolve unanticipated issues and conflicts to ensure that all functions achieves its company objective. - Lead, guide, evaluate and develop a team to enhance working process’s efficiency. - Establish and initiate new practices and procedures to improve working process and enhance quality, efficiency and effectiveness 2. Accounting and Finance - Develop policy, strategy and accounting operation plan for proper accounting system to ensure all processes are conducted in accordance with regulations and accounting principles. - Direct all accounting and financial functions which activities include: accounting, tax, treasury, cash flow, funding & loan to ensure company meet the business. objectives - Oversee and monitor accounting closing processes to meet accounting standard, system, rules and regulations. - Coordinate with external auditors to complete quarterly financial statement review and annual audit. - Monitor the preparation of the company’s financial reports, such as balance sheet, profit and loss accounts and other management financial reports. - Analyze complicated accounting data and produce complicated financial reports or statements and come up with appropriate recommendation. - Provide technical accounting guidance and recommendations to management team. - Advise operational, finance and accounting teams on tax matters. 3. Overall Management - Manage, monitor and control all resources and tasks within department to meet efficiency. - Manage and follow up subordinate jobs to meet standards and objectives. - Give recommendation or coordinate with both of internal and external parties to meet mutual understanding. 4. Organization Development Participation - Develop working processes as assigned to meet standard and efficiency. - Apply new working methods, technologies, ways and procedures to improve working efficiency. - Perform based on standards, rules and regulations. - Participate in company's policies and activities to support company to achieve established targets such as cost reduction.
- Annual bonus 4-5.5 months
- Position allowance
- Provident fund
- Insurance
- Diligent allowance
- Transportation support [ (สายชลบุรี, บางบ่อ-บางพลี-โฮมโปรกิ่งแก้ว, บางนา-ศรีนครินทร์-เทพารักษ์) ]
- Language allowance
- OthersAssistant Warehouse & Transport Mgr (Chachoengsao)รหัส:71422
40,000 THB ~ 45,000 THBChachoengsaoรายละเอียด
‐ Plan and control the work of employees under the process of receiving goods, taking care of goods, exporting goods and transportation to meet customer needs.- Coordinates between customers and the company to achieve business goals.- Manage the rules and regulations, including the policies set by the company, to ensure that the Company's activities are carried out in accordance with the objectives.- Monitor and inspect the transportation activities of the goods, including the transportation service providers, to ensure that customers receive satisfactory services.
- Social Security Fund
- Group Insurance
- Uniform
- Bonus
- OthersOperation & Maintenance Engineer *Chacheongsao รหัส:71373
30,000 THB ~ 50,000 THBChachoengsaoรายละเอียด
- Conduct operation & monitoring team to finalize all the related performance reports to be submitted with Customers in a certain time. - Answers all the customer’s questions regarding plant performance issues in various channels properly i.e. email, applications. - Analyze the data requested by Customers, line-Managers and any correspondences persons. - Collecting of all the performance reports & maintenance reports as a data centralization. - Support work permit proceeds to maintenance teams in order to access to all the sites properly.
- Telephone Allowance
- Gasoline:5.5Baht/Km(If usign own a car)
- Social Security Fund
- Health Insurance OPD: 30 Times/Year(1Time: 1,200)+IPD(30,000-40,000B)
- Provident fund
- Uniform provided
- BONUS (2 months or even more)
- Provide company car with driver for sales【タイ求人】【事業戦略(Deputy General Manager)】大手商社グループ(面接1回のみ!)รหัส:71361
80,000 THB ~ 100,000 THBChachoengsaoรายละเอียด
・通勤補助(自走 / 社用車貸与+ガソリンカード+高速代)
・昇給Production Manager (Textile)รหัส:65997
40,000 THB ~ 50,000 THBChachoengsaoรายละเอียด
- Receive the policy from the factory manager. Turned into a work plan for Production Department A to supervise and control the operations of employees under the affiliation to perform according to the regulations and requirements of the company strictly- Comply with policies, requirements, and support relevant objectives and goals in the corporate governance system. Manage according to ISO 9001 and other related standards. - Control quality and work standards of employees to reach targets. to be satisfied and meets the needs of customers- Prepare an annual budget to propose to the supervisor for approval and proceed accordingly. approved plans- Prepare a production plan based on the sales plan of the sales and marketing department, along with coordinating and monitoring the production according to the specified sales plan.- Assign tasks and follow up on the results of work plans of subordinates in Production Department A to ensure that they are in accordance with the plan.- Plan to improve the production management system. to increase efficiency and maintain a good level of quality- Coordinate with subordinates. and related agencies on issues and solutions to various problems- Strengthening work and good coordination within the department. and between various departments.- Enhance personnel awareness of work safety.- To improve efficiency and work to achieve productive productivity. - Personnel development plan The quality is within the standard.- Follow up and evaluate the annual performance of employees in the department.- Check subordinates to control production and work properly according to method of operation (WI), Operating Specification (OPS) Product Spec- Other duties as assigned by the superior.
1. House rent 1,000 baht/month
2. Cost of living 500 baht/month
3. Vehicle fee 250 baht/month
4. Position fee 3,000 baht/month
5. Telephone bill 1,000 baht/month
6. Fuel cost 2,500 baht/month【タイ求人】【品質保証・管理マネージャー】日系ワイヤーハーネスメーカーรหัส:68224
70,000 THB ~ 150,000 THBChachoengsaoรายละเอียด
会社について:ワイヤーハーネスメーカーとして、車載、家電製品、産業機器、OA機器、ガス機器や医療機器といった幅広い業界向けにワイヤーハーネスを生産しています。現在では世界11か国、27拠点を展開するまで規模を広めています。同社で働く魅力:●社内公用語が英語のため英語力を活かすことができる!●海外でマネジメント経験を積むことができる!業務内容:・高品質の製品を提供するための検査業務・検査手順、検査装置の管理、テスト・不良発生時の顧客と品質部署とのコーディネート業務・品質システムの改善、計画・社内プロセスの確認、監査・部署内ミーティングの設定、実施・他部署との連携業務・SOPの作成、修正時のサポート・APQP, PPAPに関する調整サポート・ISOに関する書類管理サポート社内構成:・正社員155名・部下8名採用背景:欠員募集
・賞与(年1回 平均1-3か月)
・昇給(年1回 平均2-4%)
※GMクラス以上で採用となる場合は社用車の貸与がございます。【タイ求人】【工場長】 飲料ボトル (タイ上場企業 / 大手飲料メーカー / ガラスボトル)รหัส:67564
100,000 THB ~ 150,000 THBChachoengsaoรายละเอียด
【飲料ボトル工場の製造プロセスの改善活動 / コスト削減の実現を期待しています!】広くタイ国民に知られているタイ株式市場に上場している飲料メーカーです。今回はグループ会社として飲料ボトル(ガラス)を製造している工場での増員採用になります。現在、日系関連企業より機械や材料を購入しガラスボトルを製造していますが、まだまだ改善の余地がある状態。これまでガラス製品工程の改善などを積み重ねてこられた経験をお持ちの方をお迎えしたいと考えております。お願いしたいこととしては、日本流のコスト削減、工程の見直しについて従業員と一緒に検討をし、実現をして頂きたいと考えています。今回、初めての日本人社員の雇用することになりますが、工場内に通訳が在籍をしているので語学は不問です。(面接時も通訳が同席します)周囲のスタッフと協調して仕事を推進していける国際派の方からのご応募をお待ちしております。ガラスボトルもしくはガラス関連製品の製造をされてきた方! タイの大手上場企業でこれまでのご経験を活かして貢献できるチャンスです。【仕事内容】- 効率改善とコスト削減のための製造工程と手順の見直しおよび設計- 品質、コスト、納期目標において、ビジネス目標と業務成果を達成するための製造戦略とプロセスの実施。- 生産、QA、QC、倉庫、物流、プラントエンジニアリングを含む全部門のパフォーマンスと品質を向上させるためのKPI設計- その他、工場内の全業務のパフォーマンスを管理し改善活動- ISO9001、ISO14001、HACCP、OSHなどの規格を管理し、遵守する。- オペレーションルールの周知徹底 およびリーダー格となるメンバーの指導・教育【製品】飲料用ガラスボトル
・通勤について (要相談 : ドライバー付き社用車貸与可能)
・賞与(年1回 / 2022年度実績2カ月)
・昇給(年1回 / 3~4%)
*定年60歳 雇用延長可能。1年更新。