4 Jobs for Site Engineer found
Site Supervisor (Interior Design)ID:71407
35,000 THB ~ 55,000 THBSrinakarin - Pattanakarn - PravetJob Description
- Preparing cost plan, and cost estimates to establish a project budget- Coordinate with relevant agencies to solve problems on site to be completed on schedule.- Control construction work to be in accordance with the assigned work plan and in accordance with the sequence of structural work.- Control and inspect the use of materials by the contractor to be in accordance with the specified details and quantities.- Check and follow up on the work of the contractor to be in accordance with the correct procedures.- Deliver the project on time- Control the work and prepare safety documents.
- Car Allowance
- Mobile Allowance
- Gasoline Allowance
- Per Diem
- Social security
- Group Health Insurance
- Health check-up
- BonusEngineering ManagerID:71320
35,000 THB ~ 50,000 THBMRT Line, Lat PhraoJob Description
- Manage and control the operations of the engineering department to align with the company's policies and objectives.- Manage engineering tasks, including various systems of projects such as bridges, roads, buildings, dams, etc.- Oversee, control, and jointly define operational guidelines for the department to ensure compliance with the company's and clients' standard systems, quality systems, and regulations.- Work according to the ISO quality management system and continuously improve and develop the work.- Manage and supervise employees to ensure compliance with company regulations.- Coordinate between departments and other units to achieve common goals.- Perform other duties as assigned.
- Travel expenses
- Work 5 days a week
- Performance-based bonus
- Social security
- Special compensation
- Diligence allowance
- Annual health check-up
- Sick leave and maternity leave
- Wedding congratulations
- Ordination and funeral expenses
- Annual salary adjustment
- Annual company party/trip
- Activities, OutingMechanical Engineer (Construction/Contract) ID:69690
70,000 THB ~ 80,000 THBBTS (Silom Line), MRT LineJob Description
- Conduct site inspections at various construction sites across Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Rayong, Saraburi, and potentially other locations- Travel to different construction sites to oversee Mechanical/Electrical Testing & Commissioning processes, and assess the accuracy of related reports- Compile and maintain records of site inspections, documenting observations and identifying areas for improvement in quality control- Collaborate with project teams to review and assess Site QC (Quality Control) documents, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and project specifications- Work mainly on-site, with approximately 20% of time spent at the office in Bangkok for administrative tasks and coordination with project teams- Report to the management (Japanese) as required
- Company car and driver during work hours
- Others to be negotiable【タイ求人】【施工管理】 老舗ゼネコン (ドライバー付き社用車貸与, 高待遇)ID:68356
100,000 THB ~ 150,000 THBBTS (Silom Line), BTS (Sukhumvit Line)Job Description
【老舗ゼネコン企業】当社はタイに支店を設立してから、主に日系企業の工場・倉庫を設計施工して参りました。長年の実績と信頼を積み重ね顧客からの案件依頼は常に頂いている中で、お客様からの更なるご要望にお応えしていくため、増員を予定しています。また、組織力の強化としてこれまでのご経験を活かして活躍していただくことも期待しています。【主な仕事】顧客からの要望をヒアリングし建物案をデザインし基本骨子の設計。実務の設計はタイ国法律に精通している現地社員が行います。プロジェクトを包括的にマネージメントをして頂きます。- 顧客との折衝 (要望ヒアリング / 基本図面の設計 / 施工~完了まで) - 主に施工管理として現場監督- 進捗・品質の管理- 現場チームの指示出しのマネジメント- 工場建設プロジェクトマネージャーとの連携【施工案件】日系工場・倉庫 / 日系商業施設店舗*現在は日系の顧客がメインですが、今後は欧米系、台湾系の建物も施工していきたいと計画中です。【案件エリア】バンコクより150km圏内 (プラチンブリ、ラヨーン、チョンブリ、アユタヤなど)ドライバー付き社用車にて移動して頂きます。【従業員数】計 65名【その他】- 活躍が認められれば本社社員への切り替えも検討可能です。- シンガポール、マレーシア、カンボジア支店への異動も可能 です。(双方にて要相談)
- ビザ、労働許可証支給
- タイ国社会保険
- 海外旅行保険
- 通勤補助(社用車・ドライバー貸与)
- 住宅補助 (20,000BTHB)
- 携帯電話(支給)
- 賞与(年1回 / 実績 平均2カ月)
- 昇給(年1回 / 実績による)
- 有給(試用期間後より7日)
- 役職手当 (20,000BTHB)
- 資格手当 各種5,000B程度
定年以降は毎1年更新 (双方にて相談)